Terms and Privacy


To use the site you must enable cookies.

The site uses cookies for the functions of the store, ensure the best browsing experience and for interaction with social media.


The prices shown in the store are inclusive of VAT.
Shipping costs are calculated based on the destination area and are shown in the cart.

Payment can be made by bank transfer, PayPal or major credit cards.

The various amounts are well specified in the order completion form.

Once the order is completed, a confirmation email will be sent to the address indicated.

A message will warn of the shipment and the expected delivery time.

Each work requires a few days of realization, if not already realized, once the creation is finished the item will be shipped. and

delivery times on the national territory are calculated in about two working days.

Upon receipt of the package:

  • check its contents,
  • make sure that the object corresponds to what was ordered,
  • that the quantity is really the one ordered
  • that does not occur damage or anything that may distort the nature of the object

If the work received does not meet one of the points mentioned above, return the package to the courier specifying the reason.

I will replace the return with the appropriate object.

It will not be possible to return if the indicated is not verified.

In case of cancellation, give notice, within two days following the order, to the email address info@reflectionsmaskvenezia.it


For a correct functioning of the site it is necessary to enable cookies.

In accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679, we inform you that your data will be processed according to current regulations.

The treatment for which we ask for authorization is:

  • Storage of the same in our database
  • The personal data provided will not be transmitted in any way to third parties except, of course, for card payments.
  • The provision of your data is strictly functional to the activity of the store.
  • The data controller, pursuant to Legislative Decree.
    196/2003 is Reflections Mask by Franco Uscotti. 196/2003 is Reflections Mask by Franco Uscotti.
  • The data will be kept for the time prescribed by law.
  • You can request the deletion of your data from our database at any time.

To learn more, refer to the regulations reported on the website of the
(opens in a new tab).

The submission of a purchase order presupposes acceptance of the above.

Thank you for your attention.