Mask Colombina Chess Music


Papier-mâché mask with checkered decoration gold leaf, light blue and blue craquele’ on gold leaf, stucco relief and music paper, Handcrafted by hand, our production. The Colombina is a mask of the Commedia dell’ Arte used at the Venice Carnival, at theatrical performances and masked parties. Wearable, equipped with laces.

Size : cm 18 x cm 10

1 in stock


Papier-mâché mask with checkered decoration gold leaf, light blue and blue craquele’ on gold leaf, stucco relief and music paper, Handcrafted by hand, our production. The Colombina is a mask of the Commedia dell’ Arte used at the Venice Carnival, at theatrical performances and masked parties. Wearable, equipped with laces.

Size : cm 18 x cm 10